In Benin, the bushmeat is an important source of protein and income for local communities and at the same time is a major constituent of traditional medicine and spiritual rites. Access to such natural resources by local communities is totally uncontrolled. As of today, the sustainability of such practices and how deep they affect the integrity of the last forest patches in Benin is unknown.
The objectives of RADAR-BE are (i) to estimate the magnitude of the bushmeat trade network in southern Benin, (ii) to provide indicators of the population trends of the main species targeted by this trade and involved in seed dissemination, and (iii) to model the impact of hunting activities on forest regeneration.
RADAR-BE is an original, integrative contribution on the inter-connection among hunting activities, forest regeneration and ecosystem services in the tropics. The project should result in scientifically sound recommendations for a sustainable management of the bushmeat economy in Benin, all the more since local communities are involved through a campaign of awareness on the importance of conserving natural resources.
Laboratoire d’Ecologie Appliquée (LEA), Faculté des Sciences Agronomiques – Université d’Abomey-Calavi, Cotonou, Benin
Ecole de Foresterie et d’Ingénierie du Bois, Université Nationale d’Agriculture, Kétou, Benin
Ecole Nationale Supérieure d’Aménagement et de Gestion des Aires Protégées, Université de Parakou, Benin
Bernard Hugueny, Laboratoire Evolution et Diversité Biologique (EDB), Université Paul Sabatier, Toulouse, France.
On Beninese mammals:
Small carnivorans from southern Benin: a preliminary assessment of diversity and hunting…
Phylogeography of the heavily poached African common pangolin (Pholidota, Manis tricuspis)…
Assessing the spatiotemporal dynamics of endangered mammals through local ecological knowledge…
Ethnozoological and commercial drivers of the pangolin trade in Benin.
A new species of tree hyrax (Procaviidae: Dendrohyrax) from West Africa…
Assessing local knowledge on the diversity and abundance of bushmeat species and hunting pressure…
Can DNA help trace the local trade of pangolins? Conservation genetics of white-bellied pangolins…